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These are the types of beebalms we offer in 3.5/4.5 inch pots:


Lemon (Monarda citriodora) - H: 1-3 ft, W: 1 ft, Sun: Part to full, Zone: N/A, Description: Plants are erect with green lancelike leaves and pink/purple/white tubular flowers. The leaves have a lemon scent. Uses: The leaves can be used in teas and the Hopi tribe used it to season game. Note: This plant is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico where it grows as an annual or biennial plant. 


Panorama Red (Monarda didyma) - H: 2-3 ft, W: N/A, Sun: Part to full, Zone: 4-9, Description: Tall, bushy plant with green leaves and whorls of red flowers. Uses: Used by the Oswego Native Americans as tea. Leaves can also be used to season curries, duck, fruits, salads, sausage, and pork. Note: Flowers are liked by hummingbirds and native to North America. Perennial. 


Spielarten Mix (Monarda didyma) - H: 2-4 ft, W: 2-3 ft, Sun: Part to full, Zone: 4-9, Description: Tall plants with lanceolate green fuzzy leaves and whorls of red, pink or purple tubular flowers. The leaves can be used in teas and seasonings. Note: Plants are native to North American and flowers are favored by hummingbirds. Also, plants are perennial. 


Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) - H: 3ft, W: 2ft, Sun: Part to full, Zone: 3a-9a, Description: Tall plants with grey/green leaves that have a citrus taste, and crowns of purple flowers. Uses: Leaves can be made into tea or used to season meats. Note: Plant is native to North America. Plants are susceptible to powdery mildew and rust, so we recommend planting it in an area where it gets lots of air flow. 


Plants are available for pickup and shipping between May 31st and October 31st.

Bee Balm (Monarda spp.)

Excluding Sales Tax
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